31stAugust 2014
   Marry and Neo have sent us their new pictures, thanx! Until next time, see ya!


21stAugust 2014
   I apologize for our information black out but you can see its reason on the index page - new adress. The moving took later than we imagined but now it is finally over. So, if you are hungry for news, go on and read everything on this page. By the way, if you wonder who is the lovely puppy above, that's Nagini - the newest member of our pack.


20thAugust 2014
   We updated our "Breeding plans" site. On Monday 4th, we bred our Niki with Jaro Ja-He. For more information about upcoming litter "O", look to the section above.


18thAugust 2014
   Ivory ze Stříbrného kamene (Drago Eqidius x Paris Mohnwiese) has made (after BH and ZVV1) her third title - IPO-VO with excellent score (97, 93, 97). That's not bad for 16 months old girl! Oh, and did I mention that she won a trial in ZM category (40, 49, 48) last week? She definitely makes me proud.


P.S. And she has also HD and ED "normal". (Martin).