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      Date of birth: 19.6. 1993
      Date of death: 15.2.2004

  Show result: very good

   HD(hips) : „a“ (1/0)

korung: 5CVQ 1/p

  II. Class of breeding

  titles: ZM, ZV1, ZPS 1, IPO 3, SchH 3, CACT

   -WM participant FCI 1996 Luxembourg(3 years of age) done 272 points

   -WM participant WUSV 1996 Turku(F) – first time got 99points. In abt.C- protection work

   - National Championship IPO 1996 – 3. place and best protection (100 points)

-National Championship SV 1996- 4. place and best protection (99 points)

-WM FCI 1997 Nitra(Sk)- 3. place - 290 points

            - World Champion in abt. C – protection work (second times 99 points)

            - World Master in Teams competition

   -WM WUSV 1997 Luzern (CH)- best protection (third times 99 points on the WM)

- third place in Team competition

   -Czech National SV 1997- 2. place of all and the best protection (99 points)

   -WM FCI 1998 Meppen (D)- done 100 points and best track !

   -WM WUSV 1998 Boston (USA)

   - in 1999 year didn´t comepete after difficult operation of spinal cord. Our big thanks to knowledges and experience of doc. MVDr Aloise Nečase, Csc from the Faculty Veterinary Clinic in Brno, who is after Art´s come back to top competition next year - 2000

   -WM participant FCI 2000 Baar (CH)

   -WM participant WUSV 2000 Wavre (B)

   - fifth place on the National IPO 2000 – protection 98 points

   - 5. place on the National IPO 2001 – track 97 points

   -WM participant FCI 2002 Baunatal (D)- as the oldiest member of all he made second score to Teams competition, the same as he qualified to WM

  - 5. place on the National IPO 2002 – on his last competition he lose the best three just for one point !

19.7. 2004

When I wrote the last sentences, it was everything quite good, but I felt the end will come soon. I already have to write next words in past time now for forever. Although it is more than five months past his death, I am still not able to correct a previous text. I am sorry. Some time ago I found the next beautiful text on the web site of famous kennel in USA. I could not to find some better words for the end of these Art´section like these are:

The last Gift

Long years ago, when dreams were first taking shape,
I came to you, potential in velvet fur, and yes,
a glimmer of that dream walked in me, and called to you.
I was there for you, when times were hard and uncertain.

I grew strong, and glory walked in my shadow, all knew
my name would live forever in the list of my children.
The glimmer of that dream began to také shape. I was
a part of it, a part of you, a song in your heart.

Years passed, but I lived on and shared with you,
the dream is matured.strong sons and daughters
I gave to you, their names outshone mine, and all
knew the dream had come to fruition.

Quiet times we had together, when the hubbub
of the competitions was finished, when the last of my
childrem went on, to spread the dream across the world.
But we had each other and somehow it was enough.

The sands of time ran more quickly then, I grew old,
and in our aging together, we shared a different glory,
that of memories and good times. You could see the dream
in different images, wherever you looked.

But we two old ones, we knew, that tho´my seed had made
my lineage strong, we still shared something special.
Something no one else could ever have, the building of
a dream that no one else could fully share.

But now the sands run quicker from the glass.
I grow tired and my eyes grow dim. The once
strong limbs can´t carry my mighty heart, I am tired.
I would stay with you forever, you know, I would.

But the times come to pass torch, I must rest.
Tho the dream may seem to die with me, it lives on.
In every puppy of my line, it lives on in you and me.
So long as you remember me, the dream will never die.

I don´t want to leave you now, but I must.
We´ve shared too much over the long years,
for me to go easily. Won´t you guide me on this path that
I must také. For I am tired and I must rest.

Let your special scent be the last I smell, your touch the
last I feel. Let the swet sound of your voice guide me
on this last journey. For I will wait for you, young and strong,
where the rainbow meets the earth.

For you were good to me, you were the world to me.
Together we built something that will never fade away.
I will wait for you, healthy and whole,
where the rainbow meets the earth, my friend.